Adjusting the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor)

When tuning up your Mustang (wires, plugs, timing, etc.), checking and adjustment of the TPS should always be included. You will need a Phillips head screwdriver, a pin, and a quality voltmeter. Here is the procedure:

1) Loosen the two screws holding on the TPS,
(The screws can be very stubborn, so make sure you have a good quality screw driver that fits snug and has a long handle for lots of torque, or you might strip the heads) Loosen just enough to swivel the TPS with force.

2) Pierce the "GREEN" wire with the pin and hook the positive (+) lead from the voltmeter to it.
3) Ground the negative (-) lead from the voltmeter. Use a good ground, like the engine or other grounded metal source.
4) Turn your ignition key to the run position, but do not start the vehicle.
5) Rotate the TPS until you achieve .98 to .99 Volts
(For stock or slightly modified engines).
6) Tighten the screws on the TPS and recheck.


If the maximum or minimum voltage you can obtain is close to the above recommended voltage setting of
(.98-.99), but the TPS just won't turn enough to get it right, you will have to modify the TPS. (Enlarge the holes in the TPS where the screws pass through to allow for more rotation.) If you get a very low voltage reading, make sure you have an accurate voltmeter and your connections are solid, if so, you need to replace your TPS. If you have no voltage, you have a bad connection or a bad voltmeter. Rarely, if ever will a TPS be in such bad shape especially if your car still runs good.